Root Canals

A cracked tooth or deep cavity can cause your tooth pulp to become diseased or injured. Your tooth pulp is the soft tissue in your tooth that contains blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue. It’s located within the tooth and extends from the crown to the tip of the root in the bone of the jaws.

If your tooth is cracked or you have a cavity, bacteria can multiply to infect the tooth. If the tooth pulp can’t repair itself, the pulp may die. If left untreated, an abscess may occur and damage may be caused to the bone around the teeth.

Our doctor performs root canals for patients in our region to treat this condition.

What are the symptoms of damaged tooth pulp?

Symptoms may include severe toothache while chewing, pain or sensitivity to cold or hot even after the source has been removed, tooth discoloration, and swelling and tenderness of the gums.

What is a root canal?

Our doctor performs a root canal to save your tooth from removal. If the pulp that provides nutrients and nerves to your tooth becomes injured or diseased and dies, pain and swelling can result, and may spread. You risk having to have your tooth removed if your tooth gets infected. Our doctor removes the pulp and cleans and seals off the root canal to protect it. A crown is then placed over your tooth to make it stronger.

What is a root canal treatment like?

Our doctor performs root canals in one to three visits. Our doctor first removes the diseased pulp through an opening made through the crown. Then the pulp chamber and root canal/s of your tooth are cleaned and sealed. Between dental visits, a temporary filling will be placed in the crown to protect your tooth, or, in order to drain, the tooth may be left open. Then your temporary filling is removed and your root canal/s and pulp chamber are cleaned and filled. Then a crown is placed over your tooth.

Your tooth may feel sensitive for the first few days after each visit, which can be controlled with over the counter pain medications. The next day most patients return to their daily activities.

How long does my restored tooth last?

As long as you continue to take proper care of your teeth and gums and visit us for regular checkups, your restored tooth could last a lifetime.