Adenoid Surgery

Adenoid surgery removes the adenoid glands located between the airway of your nose and the back of your throat. Adenoid removal, also called adenoidectomy, is often performed at the same time as a tonsillectomy.

The adenoids, like the tonsils, produce antibodies and work to fight off infection. Adenoids are generally removed once they grow overly large or become permanently inflamed and swollen due to working overtime to ward off infection. Children, who are exposed to viral illnesses frequently, have the majority of adenoidectomies because their glands work especially hard.

Our doctor performs adenoid removal surgery for patients in our region.

What are the symptoms that indicate that I need to have my adenoids removed?

  • Dry mouth
  • Bad odor or “dry” smelling breath

  • Difficulty breathing through the nose

  • Breathing through the mouth because it’s easier

  • Being out of breath more than normal

  • Snoring

  • Sleep apnea

  • Persistent nasal congestion

  • Heavy, labored or loud breathing

  • Chapped lips

How does the doctor determine if I need my adenoids removed?

Our doctor performs diagnostic tests to see if your condition is caused by adenoid issues or some other condition. Our doctor may prescribe antibiotics to see if the swelling will go down and thus avoid surgery.

What is adenoid surgery like?

Adenoid surgery is a simple and common surgery. Adenoid removal can improve one’s general health and well-being. The procedure is performed with general anesthesia and our doctor removes the adenoids. Most patients return home a few hours after surgery and complete recovery generally takes 1 – 2 weeks.

What can I expect after adenoid surgery?

After our doctor performs adenoid surgery, most patients experience improved breathing through their nose and have milder and fewer sore throats and ear infections.

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