Psoriasis Treatment

What causes psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an age-old problem that affects 2-3% of the world’s population. Of those affected, as many as 25% can develop associated arthritis. Psoriasis can begin at age 1 or age 100. It is an auto immune disease caused when the body’s immune system that is designed to protect you from infection goes awry. It is partially related to genetics and partially related to external factors or “triggers”.  Psoriasis triggers are not universal. What may cause one person’s psoriasis to become active, may not affect another. Established psoriasis triggers include: stress, skin injury, some medications, strep infections and perhaps allergies, diet or weather.

Our doctor performs a variety of very effective psoriasis skin care treatments for patients in our region.

Is psoriasis contagious?

Psoriasis is not contagious. It can be aggravated by infection but it is not caused by infection. Nonetheless, it can be socially isolating as those who suffer with psoriasis can withdraw from friends and family.

Psoriasis treatment

Our doctor has extensive training and performs a variety of psoriasis treatments including topical medications, phototherapeutic measures (narrow band-UVB), and traditional systemic anti-psoriatic medications [methotrexate, cyclosporine (Neoral), acitretin Soriatane], and the new generation of biologic agents to treat psoriasis [Enbrel (etanercept), Humira (adalimumab), Remicade (infliximab) and Stelara (ustekinumab)].

Our doctor will carefully evaluate your condition and design a custom psoriasis treatment program that is just right for you. Many of our patients are clear in less than 30 days of their first visit.

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