Dr's Photo
Roberta Palestine, MD

The Dermatology Center and Rockledge MedSpa
6410 Rockledge Drive
Suite 201
Bethesda, Maryland 20817

P. (301) 530-8300
F. (301) 530-4638
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Thermage - Bethesda, MD

Unlike prior generations, today's young adults are proactive about their health and appearance. They want to look as young as they feel. Our younger, more active patients are having the early signs of aging such as "crow's feet", frown lines and smoker's lines around the lips treated in increasing numbers. They are requesting non-invasive, non-surgical procedures that have little, if any, downtime.

Now, you don't have to miss a thing. Thermage™, using the Thermacool™ system, is performed by Dr. Palestine for patients in our region to gently smooth their fine lines and wrinkles without surgery, so they can resume normal activities immediately.

What is Thermage?

Thermage is one of the latest FDA-approved nonablative procedures for maintaining a youthful appearance. It is not a laser. It is a radio frequency (RF) system. The advanced Thermacool system incorporates a cryogen-cooling spray to protect the skin's outer surface while the RF energy heats and modifies the soft tissues beneath the skin. This causes the collagen to contract and tighten. Each treatment is customized through the system's computer to control the depth and degree of the heating process.

Choosing Thermage

You will want to explain to our physician the level of skin improvement you hope to achieve. The doctor will then review your medical history and examine your skin to determine if you are a good candidate for Thermage. Together you can discuss your options, evaluate your expectations and determine the best treatment for you. Photographs may be taken for comparison of your results.

The Thermage treatment

Our advanced, computer-controlled Thermacool system gives our physician precise control over the tissue tightening process. The cooling spray maintains the cool skin surface while the RF energy gently heats and modifies the soft, underlying connective tissues. The procedure is rapid and bloodless.

Is Thermage safe?

Yes. Thermage has been improved and refined over years of experience with improved treatment methods and applicators of RF energy. With over 200,000 treatments performed worldwide, the safety record of this procedure has revealed very few adverse or temporary side effects.

Is Thermage painful?

Thermage can be performed without any anesthesia. Some patients may want some oral medication for the heat sensation. When the machine is pulsed, patients feel brief, mild to intense heat in the treatment site followed by the immediate cooling effect of the cryogen spray.

What kind of results can I expect from Thermage?

Facial skin and the skin along the neck can be tightened providing a mild, non-surgical browlift or facelift effect. This treatment is often used for sagging jowls. The tightening effect may be used to firm up loose or sagging tissue in other parts of the body such as the abdomen or legs.

Most patients see results immediately. However, the results may be gradual over a 3 - 6 month period as the skin tightens and more new collagen is formed. Depending on the area treated, the skin laxity and your desired results, more than one treatment may be required.

How long will Thermage results last?

Treatment results last from 12 - 24 months. Your skin will continue to age as it has in the past and eventually you may wish to have another anti-aging procedure.

Can Thermage be used on the body?

With the development of newer tips for Thermage, it is now possible to treat sagging or dimpled skin in areas like the legs, arms or abdomen. It may be used to even out irregular areas after liposuction. The treatment may take from 1 - 2 hours to treat a large area.

What are the benefits of Thermage over other procedures and surgeries?

  • It is non-invasive. There are no incisions and no tissue damage.
  • A level of control can be achieved that is difficult with other treatments.
  • There is no bleeding or bruising and the risk of scarring is minimal.

What about recovery from Thermage?

Basically, after our doctor performs Thermage treatments, there is no recovery. You may resume all normal activities immediately. Slight redness may be seen for less than an hour and no more than 24 hours.

The full effect of your treatment develops over a few months following the procedure and can be expected to last for 1 - 3 years. As with any cosmetic procedure, the results can be expected to fade gradually over time, at which time the procedure can be repeated if desired.

Look years younger!