Dr's Photo
Lisa S. Bunin, MD

1611 Pond Road
Suite 403
Allentown, Pennsylvania 18104

P. (610) 435-5333
F. (610) 435-2253
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Fractional Repair - Allentown, PA

Everyone wants soft, beautiful skin. Unfortunately, our skin is subject to numerous experiences that leave it less than perfect.

Since the 1990s, CO2 laser resurfacing has long been the gold standard for a safe and effective treatment for fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, scars, uneven pigmentation, and large pores.

However, with the CO2 laser there is a need for anesthesia, risk of scarring, and lengthy recovery period after the procedure that includes weeping and crusting of facial skin. There is also a potential for prolonged facial redness that can last three months, hypopigmentation or lightening of skin color, and the potential for infection which can lead to scarring.

Now, with Fractional Repair, there's good news.

A new breed of Fractional CO2 technology has been designed to overcome all of these drawbacks. This new treatment, known as Fractional Repair, is performed by our doctor for patients in our region. Fractional laser delivery means that more of the skin is not treated than is treated, so the portion that is treated heals much faster.

What is Fractional Repair?

Fractional Repair is a semi-ablative procedure that is based upon the skin's own healing purpose. Microscopic laser "wounds" are spaced evenly across the treated skin. The deeper layer of skin is stimulated by the CO2 energy to renew and repair. Fractional Repair reaches deeper into the skin ecause it produces more effective wrinkle removal and skin rejuvenation. This advanced laser system delivers high precision microbeams of CO2 laser energy into the skin to smooth out fine lines, wrinkles, scars, remove brown spots and other irregularities, and tighten the skin. As the formation of new collagen continues to improve over time, most patients will see significant improvement in the appearance of sunspots, fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scarring with a fresher, more youthful skin tone and texture.

How is Fractional Repair different from CO2 resurfacing?

Instead of treating the whole skin surface and causing one large, red, oozing surface like the CO2 laser, the Fractional Repair treatment only heats "columns" of tissue and leaves most other areas of healthy skin intact. Because of this, Fractional Repair has an ongoing healing and rebuilding process that is more subtle, with significantly less downtime, adverse effects and recovery compared to traditional CO2 lasers.

The benefits of Fractional Repair:

  • Better results compared to non-ablative treatments
  • Minimal downtime
  • Safe and effective for all skin surface areas
  • Promotes tissue contraction and skin tightening
  • Your appearance continues to improve over a period of up to six months
  • No hypopigmentation (pigment loss)
  • Can be performed to delay more invasive surgery

Am I a candidate for Fractional Repair?

Any patient who would like to have smoother, tighter, younger-looking skin is a good candidate. For patients who are 40 - 50 years old this procedure can put off the need for a facelift.

Everyone wants soft, beautiful skin. Unfortunately, our skin is subject to numerous experiences that leave it less than perfect.

Since the 1990s, CO2 laser resurfacing has long been the gold standard for a safe and effective treatment for fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, scars, uneven pigmentation, and large pores.

However, with the CO2 laser there is need for anesthesia, risk of scarring, and a lengthy recovery period after the procedure that includes weeping and crusting of facial skin. There is also a potential for prolonged facial redness that can last three months, hypopigmentation or lightening of skin color, and the potential for infection which can lead to scarring.

How is my Fractional Repair treatment performed?

Treatments are usually in one to three sessions. Generally, the treatment takes one hour or less. Our physician scans the skin being treated with the Fractional Repair handpiece in a computer-controlled pattern. This allows us to treat small areas of skin while leaving the surrounded areas intact.

What can I expect after my Fractional Repair treatment?

Within the first 2 - 3 days following your treatment there will most likely be redness, swelling, and possibly some crusting. Most patients rest the first few days before they return to normal activities. Any mild or moderate redness can last from 5 - 10 days and can be covered with make-up. Treatments are well-tolerated because the laser energy is placed deep in the dermis, where there are less pain receptors. What patients like the most about Fractional Repair is that the recovery time is shortened, there is less chance of having complications and the results last longer.

Note: Please inform our doctor if you have recently received a wrinkle filler treatment. Part of the effectiveness of Fractional Repair treatments is that they affect deep dermal tissue. This treatment can be performed 4 weeks after your last wrinkle filler treatment, so as not to break down the filler material.

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